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Tips on Working from Home with a Newborn by Savannah Wallace

Tips on Working from Home with a Newborn by Savannah Wallace

Are you working from home with a newborn?

New Mum Savannah Wallace, from the Disney baby blog shares her top tips.

"I took a month off for maternity leave when Soren was born and did my best to enjoy every moment with him as a newborn. It was a wonderful and challenging four weeks and I was thankful for every minute. I had a lot of nerves going back to work and after nearly a month back I’ve learned some great strategies for taking care of baby and getting work done!

1. PLAN IT OUT – Every Monday morning I sit down and write out my schedule for the week. I write out Jon’s plans, my plans and all of the things I NEED to get done that week. It’s helpful to see everything for the week planned out and cross off my to-do’s as I go along. I do my best to be realistic about my to-do’s and usually always include a small “bonus” list of things I’d like to get done during the week or on the weekend if possible.

2. BREAK IT DOWN – I have several things I need to get done during the week for my job. Some of these things can be easily accomplished in a day and others are larger sized projects that need more time. When scheduling out my week I try to break down the big projects into steps so I don’t feel like I have to get everything done in one day. This definitely makes larger projects more possible to accomplish.

3. BE INTENTIONAL – There are times when grandparents help with Soren, when he’s down for a nap or content playing on his play-mat for a few minutes. During those times I do my best to take advantage of the time and working on something from my to-do list. Knowing I don’t have a lot of time on my hands at once really motivates me to make the most of the time I do have to work. It inspires me to not waste time surfing the web and focus on my task. I’ve found myself to be extremely productive from working like this! "

Read more of Savannah's Tips

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