Renee is an Australian fashion blogger and the mum to be is dressing her bump in style and we cannot get enough of it!
Her Instagram and blog showcases her bright and fun personality along with her absolute zest for life. Full of incredibly gorgeously taken photographs and a sense of fun, we just love it.
You can check out Renee's journey with her children on her Instagram @blogbeautyglamfashion or her blog Renee Harpley
Renee wears Soon Maternity:
Mae Maternity Blouse | Ava Khaki Maternity Pants | Blaze Maternity Denim | Honor Long Sleeve Feeding Top| Leo Cap Sleeve Maternity Dress
Ethan Eli Entz | Naomi Joy Photography

What do you love about being pregnant?
The thing I love about being pregnant is that I am having twins, these are my first and last babies that I will be having so just taking each moment as they come and enjoying it as it has been a smooth ride so far, I'm very lucky and blessed to have this experience all at once.
What foods are you craving?
To be honest I haven't had any real cravings, I'm just eating just like how I used to before being pregnant which is very healthy. The only thing that comes to mind is a lot of sweet things but I normally have a sweet tooth, I have been substituting it for a lot of fruit such as Mandarins, Bananas and smoothies.
What will you miss about being pregnant?
I will miss the interaction that I have with them inside my belly, it's a weird feeling having them move around in there but it's great knowing that they are ok and it will make the bond a lot closer when they are born. I will miss people saying how I've got that golden pregnancy glow as well, it's so beautiful when someone compliments you when you least expect it.

The thing I most look forward to about becoming a mum is..
The thing that I look most forward to is giving them cuddles, building that bond and relationship with the twinnies. It will be hard work but I'm very prepared, mentally and physically. I also am looking forward to them looking up to me and needing their mum most of the time throughout their lives.
What can you not live without this pregnancy?
The thing I can not live without this pregnancy would have to be my body pillow, I have been having restless sleeps as I'm quite uncomfortable and having to sleep on my side all of the time hurts my back a lot. I have scoliosis so the lower back pain can get unbearable at times but the heat pack really helps with that and the body pillow gives a lot of support as well.
What had been your favourite maternity style?
My favourite maternity style would have to be the Leo Black Cap Sleeve Dress, I wear it to work a lot and get some beautiful comments on how nice it looks on me. It accentuates in all the right places and is very flattering. You can always dress up or down an outfit with accessories and shoes so I will be wearing this to functions and events to come as well. I will be doing a Spring Collection on my blog soon so keep an eye out for more Soon Maternity Wear.

Favourite beauty products during your pregnancy...
I have been using my usual makeup products such as MAC and Natio. In relation to other items such as tan, deodorant, moisturiser and perfume I have been using ECO by Sonya or known as Eco Tan. It's toxic free, cruelty free and vegan free, It's natural ingredients makes me feel a lot more at ease when wearing them as when it seeps into my skin I know it's easy and safe to use.
Any words of advice?
My words of advice would be, do what you want to do! You can listen to so many people with so many opinions but the one that matters is yours. Go with your motherly gut instincts and enjoy the journey. Go with the flow and don't worry yourself too much if you can't feel them kicking or moving, sometimes you don't feel them for days. Also enjoy the peace and quiet before you have any babies and go on one last holiday before they arrive, relax and enjoy the sun, peace and just being the two of you because when bubs arrive it will all change.