Remember to always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
Paula Hindle from Yummy Mummy Physio in Lutwyche in Queensland has some handy tips if you have a fit ball at home.
"Pregnancy Fitball exercises are a great way to stay fit and strong and ward off those aches and pains associated with pregnancy. Maintaining your cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength will also benefit you greatly during labour and your postnatal recovery.
Why not get started with a couple of these great exercises."

Fitball Bracing
Sit tall on your fitball with your hands on your belly.
Very gently pull your lower tummy muscles in and away from your hands. Imagine your tummy muscles hugging your baby. Now focus on squeezing and pulling your pelvic floor muscles up as if you are trying to stop a wee. Practice holding these two muscles together for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat 5 times.
Fitball Cat Curls
Kneel down and place your hands on your
Start by pushing your upper back away from
your ball like a cat, opening your shoulder blades.
Now roll your spine back down and lift
your chest towards the ball.
Repeat this stretch 10 times.
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