When you have a child-free household, keeping cleaning products safely locked away, and making sure the iron cord isn’t within reach of little fingers will be the last thing on your mind, because frankly – who cares? Well, now that your adult only lifestyle is about to change, child safety will probably be on your mind 24/7. When you’re not worrying about if they’re eating enough, sleeping enough, or wondering if that foul smell is a pooey nappy, your mind will be preoccupied with their safety.
When you have a child-free household, keeping cleaning products safely locked away, and making sure the iron cord isn’t within reach of little fingers will be the last thing on your mind, because frankly – who cares?

Well, now that your adult only lifestyle is about to change, child safety will probably be on your mind 24/7. When you’re not worrying about if they’re eating enough, sleeping enough, or wondering if that foul smell is a pooey nappy, your mind will be preoccupied with their safety. Is the medicine cabinet locked, can they slip on these tiles; is my hair straightener out of their reach? The list goes on…
To put your mind at ease, and to ensure your home is a safe space for your bub, follow these easy tips for baby-proofing your kitchen, bathroom, and living room.

As the hub of your home, the kitchen is filled with nooks and crannies that house a range of potentially dangerous items that you won’t want your baby getting their hands on.
In most cases, keeping things out of reach will suffice. For instance, make sure your knives are stored in the highest possible drawer, and any alcohol is kept on the top shelf of the pantry, but in some areas of the kitchen, extra safety measures may be necessary.
- Any bowls of cat/dog biscuits should be removed once your pet has gulped down all of their food, as these biscuits can be a choking hazard for babies
- Install stove knob covers on your stovetop’s dials, as twisting and turning them can be like a game for your baby as they get taller and start to walk
- If you keep your cleaning products under the kitchen sink, install latches on the doors, or move them to a higher location

Hot water, slippery tiles, and heated hair styling tools can prove dangerous if certain safety precautions aren’t in place. These handy tips will ensure bath time is both safe, and fun!
- Non slip mats both in an out of the tub will prevent your baby from toppling bum over head on wet surfaces
- Install a toilet lock to keep your mini me from either climbing/falling into the toilet, jamming their fingers, or getting a nasty shock if a stinky surprise has been left unflushed
- All those medicines that you hate taking, probably won’t agree with your bub either, so make sure they’re stored out of reach, or get a lock for the cupboard.
Living Room

Do you have an open fireplace? Does your TV unit look like a snake pit with its trailing cords poking out of very corner? It could be time to whiz around your living space to identify and eliminate any potential baby hazards.
- Place any breakable decorative accents well out of their reach (you’d be surprised how high sticky fingers can reach when they see something they want!)
- Shield your fireplace with a guard door (this doesn’t have to be unsightly, there are plenty of aesthetically pleasing fireplace guards available)
- Have you ever noticed how sharp the edges are on windowsills, coffee tables and TV units? If you’ve had the misfortune of walking into one a few too many times you’ll understand the pain factor. To make sure your little one doesn’t bump their head, cushion the edges with bumpers
There are a lot of ways you can baby proof your home, but the most important things to remember are to invest in baby gates (especially if your home is multi-storey), and keep anything hazardous out of reach or in locked cabinets.
By following these safety measures, you’ll be less stressed and frazzled, and will be able to spend more quality time with your little one without fearing for their safety – it’s a win/win!