I feel like my pregnancy is just flying by! For those who don’t know, this is my first pregnancy and we’ve been blessed with fraternal twins.
It hasn’t been the easiest of journeys, just like most pregnancies it’s come with it’s up, downs and everything in-between.
My husband and I knew we wanted to fall pregnant this year – so we took advantage of all the guilty pleasures life has to offer before we tied ourselves down to having a baby. So what else do you do?... Book an amazing week in Bali with seven of our closest friends. Ate the most delicious seafood and everything the island had to offer, drank plentiful amounts of cocktails and indulged in sun and late nights. I made the most of my bikini body and soaked up the sun rays. We then booked a spontaneous weekend away to Sydney, and again I spent a night drinking Hendricks with friends and ordered a dozen of freshly shucked oysters from the Coogee pavilion, little did I know I was already pregnant by this point! Oops! We came home on Sunday and the next day I decided to buy a pregnancy test – surely enough the test came back with very strong pink lines and my husband was actually shocked it happened so fast. I immediately broke into tears, tears of shock, excitement and confusion. I do know this isn’t the case for everyone, so we are truly blessed and I do not take this journey for granted for one second.
Our dating scan soon came around and I had a whirlwind of emotions – nervous, happy, scared, excited. At first we saw no foetal pole, which made me question the sonographer “where’s the baby?” she replied with an answer I was so shocked to hear, “Don’t worry, it still early, but what I can see is two gestational sacs”…Um, what? Did she say two? Does that mean what I think it means?! We decided to do an internal scan and sure enough, I saw two little heartbeats fluttering away. Words cannot describe the feeling of seeing those heartbeats for the first time, I was shaking and my husband was in corner trying to hold back his tears. From that moment I fell in love with them, I immediately developed my maternal instinct to protect them.
From week 6 through to week 13, I had such terrible morning sickness – not severe but bad enough to the point I couldn’t bring myself to get out of bed. Most pregnant women would know the feeling of this, constantly car sick. The smell of everything was disgusting, the thought of eating made me cringe. At week 12, I was vomiting every day and week 13, the morning sickness just… stopped!
I’m now at 17 weeks and feeling more energetic than ever, I found my 2nd trimester bliss and I also found out the sexes of our babies! We’ve decided to have a gender reveal party… so I’ll keep you posted!
For all Melbourne mums, you would know that we’ve had some FREEZING weather lately. I actually thought that being pregnant in the middle of winter would be great because we could layer up and I could hide my belly, the truth is, all I want to do wear dresses!
So when the sun started to shine in Melbourne I took the first opportunity to wear my Soon Maternity Brooklyn Crepe Skirt – I decided to step out of my usual black ensemble and try some jade matched back with some cashmere and leather. I’m at that point where I need to be a little more conscious of what I wear and stay away from unflattering lines and cuts. I think I got in just in time for this skirt, but now it’s time for some more figure hugging pieces that define my growing shape rather than blur the lines. None the less – if you need something comfy to wear to work – this is your piece!