The Mama Queen
Raina Elegado is a San Diego based blogger and mother of two who also works full time as a Music Production Coordinator. Talk about busy! Raina is wonderful at conveying to her fellow "Mama Queens" how important it is to find the time to value yourself. It is a timeless reminder, but one we still need to hear sometimes! While it is our responsibility to fulfill our motherhood duties it is also important to do what makes us happy and esteem ourselves like the Queens we are!
Raina is now expecting her third child so we asked her what she is looking forwad to about becoming mother to a newborn again! Read on below...
Keep up to date with Raina and her Mama Queen community here www.themamaqueen.com or browse Raina's instagram @rainaelegado
Raina wears Soon Maternity:
Valentina Lace Dress | Blaze Maternity Denim | Bettina Feeding Top

What have you loved about being pregnant?
I love knowing that I’m growing a human that I will get to know and love in a few months. This is my 3rd pregnancy and I am still amazed at what a women’s body is capable of doing.
What foods did you crave?
Everything unhealthy, unfortunately! My favorite right now are donuts.
What will you miss about being pregnant?
Feeling the baby move inside.
The thing I most look forward to about welcoming my second child into the world:
I am currently mom of 2 under 2 but I do look forward to having a newborn again because they are just so precious!

What couldn't you live without this pregnancy?
I know this is bad but… coffee!!!
What was your favourite maternity style?
I love the form fitting dresses that show up my baby bump.
Favourite beauty products during your pregnancy:
Burt’s Bees Mama Belly Butter. I’ve used it for all 3 pregnancies and thankfully, I don’t have any stretch marks.
Words of advice:
Some days will definitely be harder than others during pregnancy but try to enjoy every moment of it! Babies are a blessing and they will bring so much joy to your life. Try to get as much as possible before the baby comes :)